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Beko Laundry Suite



Taking the guess work out of detergent application 


Beko Laundry Innovations


Don't we all find doing laundry a chore? It is time consuming; and what if my laundry is not clean even after a wash? How much laundry detergent should I be using? 

At Beko, we got you covered. Our laundry appliances are designed for quicker, cleaner, and more intuitive washes. Not to mention, gentle on your clothes too. 


Leave it to us to serve you with the right products and tools and let us inspire you to live healthier, to Live Like A Pro.




Forget worrying about using enough detergent, or even adding it before every wash. Just fill your washing machine with liquid detergent and softener, and let AutoDose automatically dispense just enough of it for every programme. The result? Sparkling clean laundry every single time, without the constant hunt for the detergent bottle.


Washing machine with warm air curculation


Beko AirTherapy technology is world’s first washing machine with warm air circulation. This technology gives you the freedom to:

  • Refresh your clothes
  • Have them ready-to-wear
  • Prevent wrinkles after the cycle is finished
  • Keep the drum clean and odour-free

all at the same time.


Gentle yet Effective


AquaWave® system involves 3 parts of the washing machine to create a gentle yet effective wash. 

A specially designed drum pattern gently moves your laundry in a wave-like action so your clothes move smoothly around in the drum.

A curved glass door and specially designed paddles move the clothes easily, giving a better mixing effect, while increasing washing performance. 

Daily Xpress

Full load wash cycle in 28 mintues


Beko Daily Xpress washes a full load of laundry in just 28 minutes at 30°C. So it can be in and out the machine quick as a flash. No more long waits for your laundry. 

Wash & Wear®

Wash, dry and wear in 1 hour


Wash & Wear® program in the Beko washer dryer can get a shirt washed and dried in the machine in barely no time at all. Choose from temperature settings of cold- 20°to 30°C and get up to 1kg (about 5 shirts) washed and completely dried in an hour.


Better Hygiene Guaranteed


Hygiene+ program is powered by ProSmart Inverter Motor. It comes with custom drum movements, sensitive temperature control and additional rinse and spin cycles. Hygiene+ cleans laundry at any temperature between 20°C to 90°C. Cycles that are as low as 20°C uses 70% less energy than conventional programs*, while the 60°C cycle eliminates up to 99.9% of allergens**.


*Approved by 3rd party laboratories

**Approved by Allergy UK

ProSmart™ Inverter Motor

Efficient, Durable, Quiet


ProSmart™ Inverter Motor offers you energy saving feature by using a brushless motor design that offers higher energy efficiency and durability, while creating lower noise level. 

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