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At Beko, we are closely monitoring the developments in the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), and continue to take precautionary measures that safeguard the health and safety of our global community and preserve our ability to operate. 


We are proud to have initiated “Health Professionals Support Movement” for those who risk their lives in the fight against the pandemic and work round the clock without going home and seeing their loved ones. Our aim is to fulfill the hygiene, nutrition and refreshment needs of the healthcare professionals who have been working tirelessly to safeguard public health. As the first step of our project, we are donating white goods and small household appliances to hospitals across Romania, Turkey, Spain, France, Poland and Czech Republic. We may be socially distant but our hearts beat as one and we are proud to step up to support our heroes.


But we need to act like a team in this. So we encourage you also to help and choose to #StayHome #LikeAPro.