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Built-In Hoods Innovations


Refreshing hood features that make life easier


Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Automatic hourly refreshment

Air Cleaning Mode

Automatic hourly refreshment

After slaving away in a hot kitchen, you want to relax on the sofa, not worry about the cooking odours coming from your kitchen. The Air Cleaning Mode automatically refreshes the air in your kitchen quietly and efficiently for ten minutes every hour. So, your kitchen will always be fresh, no matter what you’ve cooked.

Easy-to-clean filters

Dishwasher-Safe Filters

Easy-to-clean filters

Nobody wants to hand wash greasy hood filters, and now you don’t have to with Dishwasher-Safe Filters. Just pop them in the dishwasher, run a normal cycle, and then pop them back in the hood. Easy!

Less noise, more savings

ProSmart™ Hood

Less noise, more savings

Now you can savour the joy of cooking without the lingering odours or a roaring hood. The ProSmart™ hood removes unwanted smells and smoke from your kitchen quietly, so you can focus on cooking. Plus, superb energy efficiency means lower bills!


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