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Freestanding Dishwasher Innovations


Sparkling dishwasher features that save time.

Hero - Dishwashers - 375X600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

World's first chemical-free odour removing dishwasher


World's first chemical-free odour removing dishwasher

Say goodbye to the unpleasant odours that linger between washes. And never run another less-than-full wash just to avoid the smell of dirty dishes. IonGuard neutralizes smelly ions every hour and keeps your dishwasher odour free, so you get a clean-smelling kitchen without using chemicals.

Sliding Detergent Dispenser: easy-to-open dispenser lid

Sliding Detergent Dispenser

Sliding Detergent Dispenser: easy-to-open dispenser lid

Don’t hurt your fingers trying to open the detergent dispenser. The Sliding Detergent Dispenser is so easy to open and close that it makes adding detergent a doddle.


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