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Integrated Fridges Innovations


Fresh cooling features that make healthy living easy

Hero - Fridges - 375x600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Reversible Door: adjustable door direction

Reversible Door

Reversible Door: adjustable door direction

Some kitchen layouts require that refrigerator doors open in one direction and not the other. Reversible Door allows door hinges to be placed on both the left and the right of the unit, so decide which way your fridge doors open. Plus, you can double your cooling capacity by placing two fridges side by side and reversing the doors of one.

SlimTank: space-saving water tank


SlimTank: space-saving water tank

Water dispensers are a pleasant addition but the water tank subtracts from space on the door, which is not pleasant at all. SlimTank is designed to fit under a regular door rack so you don’t lose any storage capacity. You can still fit two 2.5 L bottles or whatever else you like to keep on the door racks.

CoolRoom: meat, fish & dairy fresher for longer


CoolRoom: meat, fish & dairy fresher for longer

Meat, fish, and dairy need lower temperatures to stay fresh. The CoolRoom compartment keeps these products at just above freezing temperatures and maintains optimum humidity. That way, food remains fresh and full of flavour for up to twice as long.

Led Illumination: clear view of the inside

Led Illumination

Led Illumination: clear view of the inside

It can be tricky to see everything in your fridge, especially in the corners and at the back of selves. Led Illumination features chains of LED on the top of the fridge, and for every shelf on the side wall so you can see clearly throughout the cooler. It’s more energy-efficient that standard lighting too.


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