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How do I wash large loads or heavy, bulky items in my washing machine?

Washing machines come in various loading capacities. Plus, load capacity changes depending on the selected programme. You should avoid loading your appliance beyond its capacity, as overloading may cause it not to operate properly. 


To learn more about your washing machine's load capacity, consult your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.  


Beko washing machines are designed to detect unbalanced loads and lower the spin speed accordingly. To avoid unbalanced loads, wash bulky items like blankets with at least one other heavy item like a big towel or another blanket.


For more laundry tips, read our guides on how to load your washing machine properly, how much load your washing machine can handle, how to choose the appropriate washing programme, and how to wash bras, trainers and woollens. 


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