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Fridge Freezers Innovations


Fresh cooling features that make healthy living easy

Hero - Fridge Freezers - 375x600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Fruit & veg fresh for up to 30 days


Fruit & veg fresh for up to 30 days

Your fresh groceries don’t need to go bad ever again. Precise temperature and humidity controls minimise condensation in your crisper, keeping your fruit & veg fresh for up to 30 days so you have all the healthy ingredients whenever you need them.

Vitamin C in fruit & veg preserved

Active Fresh Blue Light

Vitamin C in fruit & veg preserved

Fresh food sometimes lose their vitamins standing around in the fridge. Active Fresh Blue Light™ helps to continue photosynthesizing, preserving vitamin C levels, natural flavours and nutrients in fruits and veg, and keeping them fresh for up to 30% longer. That means less shopping for you and healthier meals for the family.

Height-adjustable door rack


Height-adjustable door rack

Getting everything in your fridge can be a challenge, especially with taller items like bottles. FlexiLift® gives you more control over the positioning of one of the door racks. You can adjust its height by up to 8 cm, even when loaded, giving you plenty of space below.


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