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Freestanding Cookers Innovations


Appetising cooking features that make healthy living easy

Hero - Built in Ovens - 375x600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Gas Safety: automatic gas cut-off

Gas Safety

Gas Safety: automatic gas cut-off

It's easy for a flame to go out when you're not around, unleashing dangerous gas into the house. The Gas Safety feature will detect when a burner flame is extinguished by an over-boiling pot or a gust of wind, and shut off the gas supply. No leaks, no worries.

Halogen Illumination: clear view of what's happening inside

Halogen Illumination

Halogen Illumination: clear view of what's happening inside

Want to see how your cooking is going but don’t want to open the door and lose the heat inside? Halogen Illumination helps you see all your oven’s cavity, so you can keep an eye on your culinary creations with the door firmly shut.

Interior Light: clear view of food as it cooks

Interior Light

Interior Light: clear view of food as it cooks

The difference between 30 seconds and a minute can be huge when microwaving. The Interior Light means you can see how your food's cooking and not be caught unawares if your dish is about to boil over.