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Beko RoboSmart Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Beko RoboSmart Robot Vacuum Cleaner

2m read

4 ways to make life easier at home!

Beko RoboSmart Robot Vacuum Cleaner gives you a continuous cleaning experience. It automatically cleans itself with an auto dirt disposal system. So you won’t have to clean your robot every time.


Working or studying, you probably spend your time at the office or school. But there are still a lot of chores to be done at home. Well, how about making your life easier at home with the tips we will give you? Here are practical tips that will make life easier:



Keep it simple.


It is entirely up to you how to style or decorate your home, but it is a fact that decorating your home with less furniture can help you with house cleaning. 



In addition, by decorating your home as minimally as possible, you can minimize the time you spend on house cleaning and make your home life more manageable.



One room at a time.


The easiest way to keep your entire house clean is to tidy one room at a time. By cleaning one room at a time, you can accomplish a little bit each day instead of trying to do everything at once. Not only does this save time, but it also makes it easier to keep up with a cleaning schedule. And when a task feels more manageable, you’re more likely to stick with it for longer.



Put Everything Where It Belongs.


Yes, your days are mostly tiring; but you need to be tidy at home. As you move from one room to another, do a quick scan to see if there’s anything that you can take with you to help reduce the amount of clutter in your home. Go out of your way to make sure that anything you wear, use, or move ends up where it belongs instead of being left behind in another room. It’s easy to leave a pair of shoes near the front door, a few shirts on your bed and some socks on the floor, but remember, those tiny piles can quickly turn into big messes if they're not put away properly.



Save your time with the right products. 


Your time is valuable, and the better you use it, the more time you can spare for yourself, your family, or your friends.



For example, microwave ovens can shorten your time in the kitchen. In addition, using washable paint or wallpaper on the walls will not only make your cleaning easier but also help your budget by extending the renewal time of your walls. And, of course, you can use the new generation of robot vacuums like Beko RoboSmart Robot Vacuum Cleaner.



RoboSmart's auto dirt disposal system gives you a continuous cleaning experience. Your robot automatically cleans itself with auto dirt disposal system. So you won’t have to clean your robot every time. 



Also, Beko RoboSmart Robot Vacuum Cleaner provides deep cleaning with a powerful 2700 Pa suction power and can work up to 150 minutes to clean the whole house.


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Are robot vacuums worth it?


Robot vacuums can't completely replace their traditional counterparts, but they need more help than you might think. Their ability to clean automatically on schedule means having a home that is cleaner and more hygienic.

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Why should I buy RoboSmart Robot Vacuum Cleaner?


RoboSmart automatically cleans itself with auto dirt disposal system. So, you won’t have to clean your robot every time. Also, it offers a mopping feature that ensures you an effortless cleaning.


If you're looking for a efortless way to keep your floors clean, a robot vacuum cleaner is a great option. And here are some advantages to consider: Robot vacuums can be scheduled to clean your floors while you're away from home, so you can come back to a clean house without lifting a finger. Robot vacuums have powerful suction and can navigate around the furniture to clean your floors thoroughly. Also, Robot vacuums are low-maintenance. Once you've set up your robot vacuum, there's not much else you need to do. Just empty the dustbin when it's full and keep the vacuum charged.

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How can spend less time on housework?


  • Allocate 10 minutes a day for simple cleaning.
  • Use the right cleaning tools.
  • Keep surfaces clear.
  • Clear before you clean.