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How can you go green and save energy at home
How can you go green and save energy at home

2m read


The world's energy demand is rising daily because of population and economic growth. This demand creates new challenges like energy security, higher greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming. And this reminds us of the importance of having a greener lifestyle and saving energy.


We all know; energy is a fundamental input to our daily life and economic activities. Today's energy sources light up our homes, offices, and hospitals, fuel our economy, provide more comfort and contribute to health.



On the other hand, increasing energy consumption significantly impacts our world. According to the researchers, 35% of the total greenhouse gas emissions results from the energy supply sector (electricity, heat, and other energy) in 2021. * Considering that greenhouse gas emission is one of the main causes of global warming, we can understand how scary this figure is.




For a greener, healthy world;


The best way to reduce energy consumption is to take personal responsibility and become conscious about how much energy you use. 



Another option is to spread awareness and inspire others to take action. It is easy to forget how much energy an individual can use daily, from driving to turning the lights on at home to the cost of heating water for a shower. 



Also, our energy consumption and increased expenses impact our budget directly. That's why you can follow some tips and advice for quick and easy ways to save energy, lower your bills and reduce your carbon footprint.


To lower your bills;


Turn off the lights when you leave a room. 



Use energy-efficient LED lights.



Check your appliance's energy label and switch to the most efficient ones if possible.



Avoid leaving appliances on standby; unplug all of them. 



Keep the heat in with insulation. 



Close off all vents and shut all doors of the room that you rarely enter.



Make sure washing machines and dishwasher are full before using them.



Take short showers instead of baths. So, you can save water and energy at the same time.



Open the fridge and freezer doors as infrequently as possible.



Avoid setting up your refrigerator next to the oven, which causes the refrigerator work harder to maintain low temperatures inside.



Mix in a walk or bike ride instead of driving for a carbon-free activity.

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How can you save energy in the kitchen?

  • Use the dishwasher when it’s full. 
  • Unplug all appliances like the toaster and coffee machine when you are not using them. 
  • Create a meal plan and reuse leftover meals,


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What is the importance of saving energy to the world?


Energy saving represents a benefit for the world, as well as for the preservation of non-renewable resources. According to data from the World Energy Statistical Yearbook 2020, **** 31% of energy comes from oil, 26% from coal and 23% from gas. And we all know; they emit a large amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which lead to global warming.  For this reason, energy saving is a fundamental step to protect our planet.

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What are the benefits of energy saving?

Most importantly, energy saving can lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduce your carbon footprint. And also can lower your bills.
