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Product Warranty


Everyone deserves peace of mind when buying a new product. That’s why

Beko has your back with a manufacturer’s warranty on all our products.


Our warranty gives you peace of mind, along with our trained technicians,

and service call centre located right here in Australia, making sure you're

never left stressed if your appliance suddenly calls it quits.


So we can help you faster we recommend registering your product with us.

Have a look below for a guide of the warranty available on Beko products.

Warranty by Product Category
Cooking Appliances
5 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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Register your appliance within 90 days of purchase to extend your standard 2 year warranty to 5 years, free of charge.Terms and Conditions apply




Washing Machines & Washer Dryers
5 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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Register your appliance within 90 days of purchase to extend your standard 2 year warranty to 5 years, free of charge. Terms and Conditions apply




Tumble Dryers
5 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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Register your appliance within 90 days of purchase to extend your standard 2 year warranty to 5 years, free of charge. Terms and Conditions apply




5 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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Register your appliance within 90 days of purchase to extend your standard 2 year warranty to 5 years, free of charge. Terms and Conditions apply.




Fridges & Freezers
5 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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Register your appliance within 90 days of purchase to extend your standard 2 year warranty to 5 years, free of charge. Terms and Conditions apply




Air Purifiers
2 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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All Beko Air Purifiers come with a standard 2 year manufacturers replacement warranty.

Terms and Conditions apply





Coffee Machines
2 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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All Beko Turkish and Bean to Cup Coffee Machines come with a standard 2 year manufacturers replacement warranty.

Terms and Conditions apply




Other Small Appliances
1 Year Manufacturers Warranty
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All Beko Small Appliances (excluding Coffee Machines & Air Purifiers) come with a standard 1 year manufacturers replacement warranty.

Terms and Conditions apply




Major Domestic Appliances

Product Warranty

The Beko 5 year warranty is an 'always on' part of your MDA (Major Domestic Appliance) product purchase. Unlike other limited promotional offers, Beko offers a 5 year warranty via registration every day.


Each new MDA appliance comes with a 2 year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase. All you have to do is register your new washer, dryer, oven, fridge, cooktop, dishwasher or rangehood within 90 days of purchase and know your new Beko appliance is covered for 5 years with a manufacturer's warranty, free of charge.

If you do not register, your manufacturer's warranty 

will be 2 years from the date of purchase.


This warranty only applies to new MDA Appliances, purchased and used in

Australia or New Zealand and is in addition to (and does not exclude,

restrict or modify in any way) other rights and remedies under a law

to which the Appliances relate, including any non-excludable statutory

guarantees in Australia and New Zealand.


1. You must purchase eligible Beko models during 01/01/2018 - ongoing*. 
2. Eligible products include all new, A-Prime Beko Home Appliances.
3. You must complete the registration form within 90 days of purchase date.

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MDA appliances purchased up until




Beko automatically provide you with a 2 year Manufacturers guarantee, covering parts and labour for servicing within the geographical limits of Australia and New Zealand.



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MDA appliances purchased from 1/1/2018 and registered within 90 days of purchase



Register your Appliance within 90 days of Purchase to extend your standard 2 year warranty to 5 years, free of charge.

Terms & Conditions Apply



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Available on selected Fridges & Freezers, Dryers, Washing Machines and Dishwashers



For appliances that feature the Prosmart Inverter Motor or Compressor, your appliance also comes with a 10 Year Parts Warranty. Terms & Conditions Apply



Small Domestic Appliances

Product Warranty


Small Domestic Appliances (SDA), also known as small electrics are portable or

semi-portable machines; they may include irons, coffee machines, vacuum cleaners,

blenders and any other appliance not defined as an MDA (Major Domestic

Appliance) appliance.



Each new SDA appliance (excluding Coffee Machines & Air Purifiers) comes with a

1 year manufacturer's replacement warranty from the date of purchase. This covers irons,

vacuum cleaners, vacuum blenders, and other small appliances; while each new

Beko Coffee Machines and Air Purifer comes with a 2 year manufacturer's replacement warranty 

from thedate of purchase.


These warranties only apply to new SDA Appliances, purchased and used in

Australia or New Zealand and is in addition to (and does not exclude, restrict

or modify in any way) other rights and remedies under a law to which the

Appliances relate, including any non-excludable statutory guarantees in

Australia and New Zealand.



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All Beko Small Appliances, excluding Coffee Machines and Air Purifiers, come with a standard 1 year manufacturers replacement warranty.




So we can help you faster we recommend registering your product with us.



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All Beko Turkish Coffee Machines, Beko Bean to Cup Coffee Machines & Beko Air Purifiers come with a standard 2 year manufacturers replacement warranty.



So we can help you faster we recommend registering your product with us.



Trade or Factory Second

Product Warranty

T1 : Trade Second


This product may have been a demonstration, superseded, second hand or test unit.
It has been unpacked and transported without original packaging.

It may have scratch and dent damage.


12 months warranty, full parts and labour warranty only.


Note : Visual finish and cosmetic defects are not covered by this warranty


T2 : Trade Second


This product may have been a demonstration, superseded, second hand or test unit.

It has been previously used and it has required repair. It has been unpacked

and transported without original packaging. It may have scratch and dent damage.


6 months warranty, full parts and labour warranty only.


Note : Visual finish and cosmetic defects are not covered by this warranty




Trade Second – Category T1 Warranty Advice (12 months warranty, full parts and labour warranty only)






Trade Second – Category T2 Warranty Advice (6 months warranty, full parts and labour warranty only)



Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I have purchased my Beko product at auction, what warranty do I have?


A. Beko offers a 24 month warranty on new products only (subject to Australian Consumer Law). Purchases made at auction are sold "as is" and are not considered new. They will not be covered by the manufacturer, unless that is expressly stated by Beko. You should check the conditions of sale with the auction house prior to making the purchase.

Q. Can I register my Beko product purchased at auction for the 5 year warranty?


A. No. These products do not meet the terms and conditions of the 5 year warranty and as such you can not claim any additional manufacturer's warranty on these items.

Q. I have purchased my product at auction, don't I have rights under the ACL?


A. Products sold by auction are not covered by the guarantees, other than those relating to clear title, undisturbed possession and undisclosed securities. For more information about the ACL please refer to :


Q. Can I register my factory second, refurbished unit for the 5-year warranty?


A. No. These products do not meet the terms and conditions of the 5 years warranty and as such you can not claim any additional manufacturer’s warranty on these items.


Q. I have purchase a factory second, refurbished unit from an authorised reseller, what warranty do I have?


A. The terms and conditions of your warranty on these products will be attached to your appliance and should be reviewed by you prior to accepting the item. If you have not received this document please contact your place of purchase. In summary:


Trade Second – Category T1 (12 mths warranty, full parts and labour warranty only)
- This product may have been a demonstration, superseded, second hand or test unit. It has been unpacked and transported without original packaging. It may have scratch and dent damage.
Trade Second – Category T2 (6 mths warranty, full parts and labour warranty only)
- This product may have been a demonstration, superseded, second hand or test unit. It has been previously used and it has required repair. It has been unpacked and transported without original packaging. It may have scratch and dent damage.

Q. Where do I find the serial number on my new Beko appliance?



A. Click on the link below to find the location of the serial number on each of our different home appliances.


Need some more help


Whether you'd like some assistance with registering your product, want some advice on what warranty comes with your Beko product or you simply want to give us some feedback - we're here to help.


Call us on 

1300 282 356

8am - 4pm AEST (QLD)




Email us on