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Water Efficient Washing Machine Rebate Program 2023


Eurobodalla Shire Council is offering a $150 rebate to customers who purchase a 4.5-star or higher water rated washing machine and install it at a property connected to Eurobodalla’s town water. 


The program aims to reduce water demand and help protect our unique environment. By installing a water efficient washing machine you can reduce your water bill too.


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Eligible Products
4.5 Star or higher washing machine
(as approved by WELS scheme)

Rebate Eligibility


-Buy an approved 4.5 star or higher WELS (Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme) rated washing machine

-The washing machine must be installed at a property connected to Council’s water supply

-The washing machine must have been purchased during the last six months



Limit One Claim per Household


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By installing a water-efficient washing machine, you can reduce your water and energy bills. A water-efficient rated washing machine uses less than half the amount of water of an inefficient machine. This will save an average household approximately 20,000 litres of water a year.
Eligible Beko Products