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Tumble Dryer Innovations


Snuggly drying features that make life easier

Hero - Laundry - 375x600

Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Reversible Door: adaptable door direction for easier access

Reversible Door

Reversible Door: adaptable door direction for easier access

When you take the load out of the washing machine, you don't want to carry wet clothes around two doors to throw them into the dryer. The Reversible Door allows you to change which way your tumble dryer’s door opens so you can pick the clothes right out of the washing machine and dump them into the dryer without any hassle.

Wave-like drum action for gentler treatment


Wave-like drum action for gentler treatment

Drying might take its toll on your clothes. So, here is AquaWave system’s curved door glass and specially designed paddles that move the laundry in a wave-like action inside the drum, treating clothes gentler and improving the drying performance. Next time someone compliments your clothes and you reply, 'What, this old thing?' you might be telling the truth.
