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Fridge Freezers Innovations


Fresh cooling features that make healthy living easy

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Frost free, longer lasting fruit, and quick cooling.

Led Illumination: clear view of the inside

Led Illumination

Led Illumination: clear view of the inside

It can be tricky to see everything in your fridge, especially in the corners and at the back of selves. Led Illumination features chains of LED on the top of the fridge, and for every shelf on the side wall so you can see clearly throughout the cooler. It’s more energy-efficient that standard lighting too.

NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer

NeoFrost Dual Cooling

NeoFrost Dual Cooling: 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer

It’s difficult to keep the fish in the freezer together with a flavourful cake in the fridge without their odours mixing. NeoFrost Dual Cooling’s separate cooling systems for each compartment maintain ideal air flow and optimal temperatures in both the freezer and the fridge. As a result, food stays fresh for longer with no frost build-up or odour transfer.

Twist & Serve Ice Cube Tray: easy-access ice cubes

Twist & Serve Ice Cube Tray

Twist & Serve Ice Cube Tray: easy-access ice cubes

Flex it, pinch it, hit it on the countertop and some ice trays will still not give in. Twist & Serve Ice Cube Tray overcomes these difficulties with a simple twisting action. The cubes are dropped inside the ice box. No mess, no fuss.