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BRH 095 / BRH 096: Split Air Conditioner

BRH 095 / BRH 096

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BRH 095 / BRH 096: Split Air Conditioner

Dimension (cm)
0 Height
0 Width
0 Depth

Tech Specs

Performance & Consumption


220 - 240 V


50 Hz

Dimensions & Weight

Indoor-unit Height

29 cm

Indoor-unit Width

75.2 cm

Indoor-unit Depth

21.9 cm

Indoor-unit Weight

9.5 kg

Outdoor-unit Height

49.5 cm

Outdoor-unit Width

72 cm

Outdoor-unit Depth

27 cm

Outdoor-unit Weight

26 kg

Indoor-unit Packaged Height

37 cm

Indoor-unit Packaged Width

81 cm

Indoor-unit Packaged Depth

29.5 cm

Indoor-unit Packed Weight

12 kg

Outdoor-unit Packaged Height

56 cm

Outdoor-unit Packaged Width

84.2 cm

Outdoor-unit Packed Depth

35.7 cm

Outdoor-unit Packed Weight

28.5 kg
