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Cook and bake delicious dishes and pastries with
our feature-packed built-in oven range.
results (5)


Built-In Oven (60 cm, 66 L)

Built-In Oven (60 cm, 66 L) BIF22100X
  • Interior Light: clear view of food as it cooks
  • Halogen Illumination: clear view of what's happening inside
  • Sturdy door for carrying heavy dishes & cookware


Built-In Oven (60 cm, 71 L)

Built-In Oven (60 cm, 71 L) BIRT25400XPS
  • Sturdy door for carrying heavy dishes & cookware


Built-In Oven (60 cm, 72 L)

Built-In Oven (60 cm, 72 L) BBIM12300X
  • Halogen Illumination: clear view of what's happening inside
  • Sturdy door for carrying heavy dishes & cookware


Built-In Oven (60 cm, 71 L)

Built-In Oven (60 cm, 71 L) BIM22301X
  • Sturdy door for carrying heavy dishes & cookware


Built-In Oven (60 cm, 71 L)

Built-In Oven (60 cm, 71 L) BIM25400XMS
  • Halogen Illumination: clear view of what's happening inside
  • SoftDoor: smooth & quiet door opening & closing
  • Sturdy door for carrying heavy dishes & cookware
results (5)
