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Vitamins in fruit and veg are no longer lost to refrigeration! HarvestFresh’s 3-colour technology mimics the 24-hour sun-cycle inside the crisper, preserving vitamins for longer. This unique technology inside your crisper will allow you to enjoy nutritious meals and a healthier lifestyle.
It’s difficult to keep the fish in the freezer together with a flavourful cake in the fridge without their odours mixing. NeoFrost Dual Cooling’s separate cooling systems for each compartment maintain ideal air flow and optimal temperatures in both the freezer and the fridge. As a result, food stays fresh for longer with no frost build-up or odour transfer.
If your fridge is a humming, gurgling energy-hog, it’s time to make the switch. Thanks to its innovative design, the ProSmart Inverter Compressor provides faster cooling with less energy and four times quieter operation than average refrigerator compressors. It adapts to temperature fluctuations quicker, keeps food fresh longer and saves on your energy bills, all at the same time.
It can be tricky to see everything in your fridge, especially in the corners and at the back of selves. Led Illumination features chains of LED on the top of the fridge, and for every shelf on the side wall so you can see clearly throughout the cooler. It’s more energy-efficient that standard lighting too.
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فئة كفاءة الطاقة
ProSmart الضاغط العاكس
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موضع الفريزر
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الحجم الإجمالي
الحجم الصافي لتخزين الأغذية الطازجة
الحجم الصافي لتخزين الأغذية المجمدة
ProSmart الضاغط العاكس
وضع العطلة
نوف رف الثلاجة
عدد أدراج الخضروات والفاكهة
سعة درج البيض
نوع صانع الثلج
سعة صناعة الجليد اليومية (كغ/يوم)
سعة التجميد اليومية (كغ/يوم)
الاضاءة LED
موضع الفريزر
موضع الشاشة
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فئة كفاءة الطاقة
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فئة المناخ
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عرض العبوة
عمق المعبأة
وزن العبوة
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