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How SteamCure Hygiene+ Can Help Your Household This Rainy Season
How SteamCure Hygiene+ Can Help Your Household This Rainy Season

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How SteamCure Hygiene+ Can Help Your Household This Rainy Season

How SteamCure Hygiene+ Can Help Your Household This Rainy Season
How SteamCure Hygiene+ Can Help Your Household This Rainy Season

Rain is every homemaker’s nemesis when it comes to newly laundered clothes. It's only natural since after laundry, the drying process is the next step. This is where it gets more complicated and trickier than usual.



Clothes basically take more time to dry up during the rainy weather. For this reason, many homemakers need a partner to make laundry an easier chore through useful technologies and features. Buying the right washing machine can instantly help moms and dads cope through the challenges of doing laundry, especially when the sun shows up a lot less.



One of Beko’s most useful innovations for homemakers is its SteamCure Hygiene+ technology. Here’s how it can make laundry a less daunting task during the rainy season:



Easier stain removal


A main concern households have when it comes to laundry is taking out stains on clothes. Most work on it by keeping clothes underwater, hoping it breaks down and softens stains. And with the rainy weather, homemakers worry about possible kulob smells from doing so. 



Beko’s SteamCure Hygiene+ technology makes things effortless through the use of steam. The program works by releasing it from the bottom of the washing machine’s drum, right before it even starts washing. This acts as a pre-treatment, which helps loosen up stubborn stains, dirt, and other gunk in your garments.



Sanitized clothes


Cleanliness is always of great concern for all households. This applies not only to every corner and nook, but also for personal belongings like clothes. The changes brought about by the pandemic and the rainy season surely affected how homemakers see sanitation.



Moms and dads can take extra precautions through the help of Beko’s SteamCure  Hygiene+ technology. In this program, you won’t have to worry about bacteria and germs as steam is used to clean and sanitize garments. This serves as an added protection for you and your family.



Less creases and fold



Another advantage with SteamCure Hygiene+ on your side is its ability to release another batch of steam after the end of a wash cycle. This helps smoothen your clothes, ensuring there are no unsightly wrinkles and folds. It helps for easier ironing too!



With families staying at home most days during the rainy season, the amount of household chores has certainly increased. Let Beko ease off your laundry load with its SteamCure Hygiene+ technology. This way, you can have one less thing to worry about.




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