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How To Get Rid Of Bacteria And Germs In Your Laundry
How To Get Rid Of Bacteria And Germs In Your Laundry

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How To Get Rid Of Bacteria And Germs In Your Laundry


Every day, we encounter bacteria and germs from the people and objects around us. And believe it or not, these microorganisms can cling to our clothes, which then can get to our homes and affect our entire household. 

As homemakers and parents, we are responsible for our family’s and kid’s safety. Ensuring to instill necessary precautions, such as sanitizing regularly, can lessen the chances of having an outbreak at home. This includes the clothes that you wear.



So, how can you get rid of bacteria and germs from your laundry? Follow these tips:



Disinfect by color



It is not advisable to disinfect clothes of all colors together. Mixing them up will only lead to transferring of colors, thus ruining them. White or light-colored clothes should be washed separately but if you are disinfecting your laundry, use hot water (60°C) instead of cold. 



Your white clothes are the easiest to disinfect as they can withstand bleach. When doing so, wash it along with your preferred detergent along with bleach. Colored garments, on the other hand, are more delicate and tricky. 



Avoid bleeding of colors when washing dark-colored clothes by opting out of traditional disinfectants. There are color-safe disinfectants in the market today that are made with them in mind. Use this instead. You can wash your clothes with warm water but make sure to check your clothing’s label and follow its instructions.



Use effective dryers





The use of dryers has a hand in ensuring your clothes aren’t damp and dripping wet. They can also be set in higher temperatures, which can help eliminate bacteria and germs. Some dryers have built-in mechanisms such as tumble drying. By moving the clothes through wave-like motions, tumble drying allows for a gentler process that efficiently dries the garments and preserves the colors of your clothes.



Dryers are also a great alternative to doing so under the sun. While traditional drying has its benefits, the current rainy season may not allow this to happen as much as you want. Therefore, using dryers is recommended if sun drying is not feasible.



Buy an efficient washing machine





There are many different washing machines in the market, making it a challenge for most to decide what washing machine to buy. The best way to go about it is to look at features that can alleviate your laundry chores. 



Beko Philippines has recently launched its SteamCure Hygiene+ technology. This enables their washing machines to use steam to sanitize garments. But that’s not all! Steam, according to laundry expert Patric Richardson, can both disinfect and clean. So, it’s not surprising why many homemakers prefer a Beko washing machine.



Beko’s SteamCure Hygiene+ helps break down stains by releasing steam right before it start washing. It acts as a pre-treatment, lessening the work for homemakers. And at every end of a wash cycle, it releases another batch of steam, which then smoothens clothes for fewer wrinkles and easy ironing.



Get the best of both worlds when you buy a Beko washing machine today. With its SteamCure Hygiene+ technology, secure your family’s safety while making laundry chores lesser of a daunting task. 




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