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The Most Underrated Healthy Veggies
The Most Underrated Healthy Veggies

2m read

The Most Underrated Healthy Veggies

The Most Underrated Healthy Veggies
The Most Underrated Healthy Veggies

It’s not unusual to go with what’s common and known. After all, the unknown can be quite daunting and kind of scary. This is sometimes how routines are developed. Once there’s a daily routine established, it’s so easy to forget about other ways to do it. Funny enough, this also applies to vegetables.



When asked what vegetables you eat, there’s probably a consistent one you have on your mind. But there’s so much more out there that has as many benefits as the common selection of veggies. While living a healthy lifestyle, it is good to shake things up a bit with something new. 



Check out these often overlooked veggies to add to your meals.








Artichokes have been overlooked for so long despite containing tons of minerals and nutrients like vitamin B6, iron, potassium, and zinc. Aside from being nutritious, this veggie can help lower a person’s blood pressure and improve both your liver and digestive health. Don’t know what to cook it with? Make an artichoke dip or use it as toppings for pizza.



Brussel Sprouts





Despite its unique odor, enjoy brussel sprouts when cooked with garlic and lemon. They’re a great source of fiber and vitamins C and K. Some studies also claim that this vegetable contains high levels of antioxidants, which help decrease the chances of cancer.








Another cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower is a heart-friendly vegetable. It contains sulforaphane, which helps reduce inflammation with its antioxidative properties. It’s also high in choline, a mood and memory booster. 



Want to try it out? Many use this yummy veggie as a rice alternative too!








Although beets are eye-catching due to its color, its contents are more worth the attention. This delicious vegetable is packed with vitamins and minerals with lesser calories. For instance, it has pigments called betalains, which research shows helps your body fight off inflammation. It is also a great brainfood due to its ability to boost blood flow in parts of your brain.



Can’t figure out how to eat this purple veggie? Mix it with your salad!



There’s so many vegetables but so little time. This is why you shouldn’t be afraid to change up your usual vegetable dishes at home. Determine what you want to try out and buy an amount that you can eat. You can also get help from Beko’s HarvestFresh technology to ensure your produce’s vitamins and minerals are preserved for longer. This way, you can enjoy healthy habits for life!




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