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Tips To Stay Healthy During The Summer
Tips To Stay Healthy During The Summer

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Tips To Stay Healthy During The Summer

Tips To Stay Healthy During The Summer
Tips To Stay Healthy During The Summer

As much as we want it to be cool all year long, the Philippines’ season alternates with a sweltering summer season. Just recently, Dagupan City’s heat index soared to an alarming 52°C. 



With this in mind, parents should keep a watchful eye on their kids, especially the little ones. The onset of this type of weather can result in dangerous heat-related illnesses. Even pets aren’t excluded in possible health risks associated with the summer heat.



Further protect your family by following these tips for a healthy summer habits for life:



Wear light clothing



Keep your body cool by wearing light and loose-fitting clothes. This will help prevent your body heat from building up. Opt for more breathable fabrics too and avoid any type of clothing that can add unnecessary warmth.



Stay indoors



Vitamin D is important for your body and, more often than not, we get it from sun exposure. Between 10 in the morning until 4 at noon is when the sun is at its peak. Avoid going out and getting exposed at these hours. If it can’t be avoided, make sure to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen to protect you against the dangerous UVA and UVB.



Schedule your workouts



While sweating during the hot summer may sound like hell, it’s not if it’s because of exercise. After all, keeping active is a must to everyone living a healthy lifestyle. Just make some adjustments by scheduling your workouts at colder hours of the day or at shaded areas and indoors.



Don’t forget water



Water does so much for your body. It’s not surprising considering a typical adult body consists of 65% water. This includes regulating your body temperature, helping your kidneys function, and even maintaining your skin.



Without sufficient hydration, your body wouldn’t be able to keep these bodily functions going. It can result in dehydration, heat stroke, and so on. For these reasons, drinking plenty of water and stocking up on foods with high water content is advisable. 



Make your fruits and vegetables last longer when you buy a Beko refrigerator with its newly launched HarvestFresh feature. It simulates the sun’s natural 24 hour cycle with its 3 color light technology, preserving food’s nutrients for longer.



It’s not easy to promote a healthy lifestyle, more so to live one. However, it’s a must for all parents and homemakers to instill this habit to our family and children right from the start. It may be challenging, but it’s not impossible. As they say, nothing worth having comes easy. 




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