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Ways To Keep Cool This Summer Season
Ways To Keep Cool This Summer Season

2m read

Ways To Keep Cool This Summer Season

Ways To Keep Cool This Summer Season
Ways To Keep Cool This Summer Season

The summer season in the Philippines is commonly associated with beach trips, water activities, family cookouts, and so on. It’s the season most look forward to, especially the kids with their break from school. 



Today, with the COVID-19 crisis, unnecessary gatherings, movements, and trips are discouraged and restricted. Thus, parents must find ways to turn usual summer getaways into educating, fun, and healthy stay-at-home activities. 



While figuring out how to entertain your kids at home, don’t forget the risks that come along with the hot weather. The country’s hot dry season can cause a huge hike in temperature, making you and your kids susceptible to heat-related health hazards.



Beat the heat with these tips:



Wear a broad spectrum sunscreen



Don’t forget to apply sunscreen of at least 30 spf or higher, even when you don’t see the sun out. As early as possible, explain to your kids why we need to apply sun protection every day. The skin is the largest organ you have that shields you from the harsh effects of UV A and UV B.  It also helps in regulating body temperature.



Keep hydrated



Water is a major factor in living a healthy lifestyle. It’s an essential nutrient in keeping your bodily functions normal and especially in hot weather. This season, dehydration and heat stroke are more common. Be a role model to your kids by drinking your recommended daily water intake. It’s also important to note water’s importance when participating in activities that make you or your kids sweat. Make sure to compensate your water loss during these activities for proper hydration. 



Invest in a makeshift pool



Don’t have a pool at home? This is the best time to set up, buy, or DIY a makeshift pool at your home. This allows you and your kids to have fun swimming in your own garage or backyard. Most of these makeshift pools can easily be assembled and dismantled too, so space will not be an issue.



Eat cold fruits



Aside from water, food can also help hydrate your body. This summer, stick to cold and refreshing fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, strawberries and more! Your kids would also appreciate these yummy snacks. Just make sure to properly store them in your Beko HarvestFresh crisper drawer for longer shelf life. This feature, with its ability to imitate the 24 hour sun cycle, can help preserve nutrients in vegetables and fruits longer.



Be more prepared to take on the heat. Follow our tips above to make this summer season fun and safe for you and your household.




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