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Ways To Prepare Your Home For The Rainy Weather
Ways To Prepare Your Home For The Rainy Weather

2m read

Ways To Prepare Your Home For The Rainy Weather


The rainy season is here and it’ll take quite some time before it gives way again to the hot summer season. With this in mind, there are many things homemakers must do in preparation for this type of weather.



Many Filipino households expect heavy rains and floods to come their way. Throughout an entire year, the country experiences an average of 20 typhoons, 5 of which are dangerous and destructive. This is why it’s important for homes to be prepared, not just with the physical house itself, but on other things that matter too.



Check out how your family can deal with these situations during the rainy season.



No sunlight for laundry





It’s definitely not good to have your family’s laundry soaking wet for days. This will result in an unpleasant kulob smell in your clothing.



Don’t settle! Buy a washing machine that can help make things a little bit easier during the moody weather. As laundry and the rainy weather don’t go well together, Beko has recently launched its SteamCure Hygiene+ technology. This feature makes taking off stains easier and sanitizing your clothes more effortless, all of which through the use of steam.



Foods in stock





A typhoon is no reason to cheat on your journey to living a healthier lifestyle. So, toss all the unhealthy canned goods and junk foods you find at home! Instead, support and encourage your family to stick to nutritious meals and snacks like whole grains, nuts, and oats. 



If worse comes to worst, you won’t be able to run to the grocery store because of the weather. Besides, in an area experiencing heavy rains and strong winds, it’s not advisable to leave your home. Considering these types of circumstances, storing frozen fruits and vegetables in the freezer can help you extend their shelf life.



A go bag





It can’t be stressed enough how important go bags are. Typhoons can change direction and strength in a matter of a few hours. There’s no telling exactly how destructive it can be. This is why go bags or emergency kits containing essentials are advisable for faster evacuation.



Go bags usually contain important documents, identification cards, and other personal items. Preparing one beforehand can save you from “packing panic”.



Nothing bad can come from being prepared. In fact, preparedness saves lives, money, and even time! Keep your family safe by thinking steps ahead.




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