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Getting Great Deals On Your Home Appliances This Year
Getting Great Deals On Your Home Appliances This Year

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Getting Great Deals On Your Home Appliances This Year


Who says you can’t have great home appliances at an affordable rate? In celebration of the upcoming Chinese New Year, Beko is holding a special sale where you can enjoy the best prices on refrigerators, washing machines, ovens, cookers, and more! Here’s how you can join.



  • Every customer is entitled to purchase any of the following listed Beko products from January 16 – February 15, 2022.

  • Products are available nationwide at All Home, Anson’s, Asian Home Appliance, Automatic Center, Fair N Square, Goldtech, Great World, HAT, Lazada, Manila Imperial, Robinson’s, Savers, Shopee, SM Appliance and Western Appliance.


  • Discount Products:



  • Bundle Products:

Aside from the discounted items above, you can also enjoy free items with our Special Bundles! Depending on what you buy, you can get certain products for free. See the list of 22 items included in the special bundles below.



  • For those who purchased the GN163123P, HTV9743X, or WDB7425R2W models, you can avail your free item by messaging the official Facebook page of Beko @bekoph. Please provide the necessary information (first name, last name, model code, serial number of the product bought, name of the store the item was purchased). Please submit the photo of your official receipt when you send the information.


So what are you waiting for? Enjoy massive discounts and even get high-quality appliances for free when you join our Chinese New Year Sale! Improve your home life through Beko and our products at an affordable price!




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