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The Benefits of Using Steam On Your Clothes
The Benefits of Using Steam On Your Clothes

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The Benefits of Using Steam On Your Clothes

The Benefits of Using Steam On Your Clothes
The Benefits of Using Steam On Your Clothes



If you’ve gone through Beko’s catalog of automatic washing machines for sale, you may have noticed the term “SteamCure Hygiene +” in all of the products. This is our main selling feature, as steam in the laundry process yields better results on clothes. But what exactly is the benefit of steam in laundry, and why is this Beko’s selling point? Read about it below.


Sanitizes and disinfects fabrics

Steaming is a great way to kill odor-causing bacteria. It’s an effective method of disinfecting your clothes, getting rid of harmful germs in the process. With Beko’s washing machines, you have the assurance that your clothes are freshly cleaned, safe, and ready to wear.


Lessens allergens

Steam cleaning is often done on carpets and furniture to get rid of dust, dust mites, and other allergens. The same logic applies to your clothes. To avoid your rhinitis triggered by the allergens on your clothing, definitely consider buying a washing machine with steaming technology.


Easier stain removal

We know how tiring and tedious it is to get rid of those pesky stains. But with SteamCure Hygiene+ technology, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Beko releases steam before the initial wash to soften those difficult and dried-up stains, making it easier to remove them during the cycle.


Convenient smoothening of wrinkles

Wrinkles are also easier to deal with via steam. After the wash cycle has been completed, the Beko washing machine releases a final batch of steam to help smoothen wrinkles. You can still iron them out some more afterward, but the last gust of steam helps to lessen the wrinkles, so it’s less time-consuming to iron them.


With its many benefits both in terms of cleanliness and convenience, steaming is the way to go when it comes to your laundry. To enjoy the benefits of steaming, get a Beko washing machine and experience the power of SteamCure Hygiene+ technology!




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