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French Door

Beko's innovative counter depth French door refrigerators are full of healthy tech to keep food fresher for longer, so there's one fridge to suit every home.

results (6)


36" French Door Refrigerator

36" French Door Refrigerator BFFD3624ZSS
  • Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • Turbo Ice Maker: 11 pounds ice per day
  • Design to fit any décor
Where To Buy


36" French Door Refrigerator with Harvestfresh

36" French Door Refrigerator with Harvestfresh BFFD3614ZSS
  • Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • Turbo Ice Maker: 11 pounds ice per day
  • Ion Guard: fresh-air environment inside your refrigerator 
Where To Buy


30" French Door Refrigerator

30" French Door Refrigerator BFFD30216SSIM
  • Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • Gentle air distribution for lasting freshness
  • Maximum odour removal (up to 90%)
Where To Buy


36" French Three-Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator with Auto Ice Maker, Water Dispenser

36" French Three-Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator with Auto Ice Maker, Water Dispenser BFFD3624XSS
  • Fruit & vegetables fresh for up to 30 days
  • Vitamins in fruit & vegetables preserved
  • 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
Where To Buy


36" French Four-Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator with auto Ice Maker, Water Dispenser

36" French Four-Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator with auto Ice Maker, Water Dispenser BFFD3626SS
  • Fruit & vegetables fresh for up to 30 days
  • Vitamins in fruit & vegetables preserved
  • 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
Where To Buy


36" French Three-Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator with auto Ice Maker, Water Dispenser

36" French Three-Door Stainless Steel Refrigerator with auto Ice Maker, Water Dispenser BFFD3624SS
  • Vitamins in fruit & vegetables preserved
  • 2 separate cooling systems, no odour transfer
  • Turbo Ice Maker: 11 pounds ice per day
Where To Buy
results (6)