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Dryer Makes Noise When Tumbling?
Dryer Makes Noise When Tumbling?

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Dryer Makes Noise When Tumbling? Here’s What to Try
how to tumble dryer

Dryer Makes Noise When Tumbling? Here’s What to Try

If your dryer is making unusual noises during operation, it may be a sign that something

needs adjusting or it could be normal for the model. Follow these steps to troubleshoot

and reduce noise.

1. Adjust the Feet of Your Tumble Dryer

To minimize vibrations and noise, make sure the feet of your tumble dryer are adjusted

correctly. Uneven feet can cause the dryer to shake and make noise during the cycle.

2. Ensure the Dryer is Level and Balanced

Place the dryer on a flat, sturdy surface. If the machine isn’t level, it can lead to extra

vibrations and noise when tumbling. A balanced dryer operates more quietly and


3. Turn Clothes Inside Out

Zippers, buttons, and other accessories on your clothes can cause clinking sounds when

they hit the drum. To reduce this, turn your clothes inside out before drying to avoid these


4. Know What Sounds Are Normal for Heat Pump Dryers

In heat pump dryers, it is common to hear metallic noises during operation because the

dryer uses a compressor. This sound is usually not a sign of a problem.

5. Water Pump Noise is Normal

During the drying cycle, the water from your clothes is pumped to a water tank. It’s normal

to hear the sound of the water being pumped. This is part of the dryer's standard operation.

By following these steps, you can reduce or understand the source of the noise your

tumble dryer is making. Some sounds, like those from the compressor or water pump, are

normal for certain dryer models. Always ensure the machine is properly balanced and

clothes are prepared to minimize external noise.