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Pass on an appliance worth fighting for


The Beko Inheritance Addendum is more than a piece of paper. It's a testament to our ability to evolve in an ever-changing industry while remaining true to our core value of creating durable, long-lasting products that give our consumers a peace of mind.

The Montagues






Theo Montague


“I look for the same traits in all my possessions, be it a timepiece, cufflink, or caviar: quality and durability.”

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Beatrice Montague


“Getting your foot in the door is a great start, but it's even better when you can trust that the door will hold up.”

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Percival Montague


“It's a family legend! My children will definitely fight over who gets it next. It's survived food experiments, midnight raids, and more. It's not just an appliance but a legacy.”

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Eleanor Montague


“It’s reassuring to think that generations of Montagues will be opening and closing this fridge, taking out cow's milk, oat milk, or whatever other milk they think up next.”

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Additional inheritance-worthy tests
Fridge Door Test
We test our refrigerator doors by subjecting
them to 300,000 cycles of opening and
closing with fully loaded door shelves. 1
Lower Basket Test

Beko Dishwasher lower racks are extended and

retracted 100,000 times under a 16-kg load to

ensure durability. 2

Unbalanced Loads Test

Beko Washing Machines are subjected to

thorough testing with unbalanced loads to

ensure durability and longevity. 3

Tumble Dryer Door Test

Beko Tumble Dryer doors are opened and closed

a staggering 20,000 times to ensure they can

withstand the demands of regular use. 4

Oven Door Test
Beko Oven doors are opened and closed
100,000 times to ensure they can withstand the
wear and tear of everyday use. 5
                                                                                                 1. The refrigerator door was opened and closed 300,000 times with loaded door shelves. Test
                                                                                                 performed at Arçelik Labs, supervised by TÜV.
                                                                                                 2. The bottom dishwasher rack were extended and retracted 100,000 times under 16 kg load. Test
                                                                                                 performed at Arçelik Labs, supervised by TÜV.
                                                                                                 3. Washing machine tested with 70x195cm, 1.66 kg rug. Test performed at Arçelik Labs, supervised
                                                                                                 by TÜV.
                                                                                                 4. The door durability is tested internally by opening and closing the door 20,000 times. Test
                                                                                                 performed at ArçelikLabs, supervised by TÜV.
                                                                                                 5. The door durability is tested internally by opening and closing the door 100,000 times. Test
                                                                                                 performed at ArçelikLabs, supervised by TÜV.