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Mom Hacks
Mom Hacks

2m read

Mom Hacks That Are Genius Level!

Being a parent is hard work, but these mommy tips are here to help you keep your home in order and manage your time a little bit better.


1. Planning your menu in advance can save you a lot of hassle and stress in the long run. By taking the time to plan out what you'll be cooking for the next week and involving your kids and spouse in the process, you can go grocery shopping once and have all the ingredients you need on hand. This way, you don't have to brainstorm every evening about what to make for dinner and then rush to the store because you forgot one key ingredient.




2. Buying common household items and your kid's favorites in bulk, especially when they are on sale, can save you money in the long run. Non-perishable food items such as noodles, pasta, and eggs have a long shelf life and can be easily stockpiled.




3. As a mom, you know that laundry is never-ending. And when you have kids, it seems like it multiplies exponentially! But there is a way to hack the laundry and make it a little bit easier on yourself. First, try to do a load a day. This may seem like a lot, but if you break it down into smaller loads, it won't be so daunting. You can even set a timer for 15 minutes and see how much you can get done in that time.




4. Next, make sure you have a good system for sorting the laundry. This will make it easier to keep on top of things and make sure that everything gets where it needs to go. You can even involve your kids in this process and teach them a little bit about responsibility. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help! If your spouse or other family members can pitch in with the laundry, it will make your life a lot easier.




5. Taking some time out of your hectic schedule on Sundays to bake with your kids is a great way to have some quality time together while also getting ahead for the week. Baked snacks are not only healthy, but they can be packed for your kids' lunch or as an after-school snack. And if you have older kids, they may just enjoy helping you in the kitchen.

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If you have young kids, doing the laundry can feel like a never-ending chore. But there's a simple mom hack that can help make it a little bit easier.


Here's what you do: put a laundry basket in each of your child's bedrooms. As they use up their clothes throughout the week, they can put them in the basket. Then, when it's time to do a load of laundry, you can just grab all the baskets and empty them into the washer.


This system can help cut down on the amount of laundry you have to do, and it also teaches kids a little bit of responsibility. They'll learn that they need to take care of their clothes and put them in the basket when they're done wearing them.