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Let’s have a fresh perspective and add healthy colors to our memorable Iftar gatherings

We're committed to our purpose of empowering new generations to live healthier

At the heart of Ramadan lies a deep love for traditions that grace our plates with delightful dishes and a table that welcomes new additions. Together, let's add healthy colors to our Iftar and Suhoor tables.

5x a day

As supported by the WHO, stay healthy during Ramadan by eating a balanced diet and plenty of colourful fruit and vegetables. Try to eat two servings of fruit and vegetables at suhoor, and three at iftar.1

Stay balanced

Fasting healthily can boost your mental health and well-being, help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Eat a balanced diet, drink enough water, take care of yourself, and take care of others this Ramadan.

Featured Recipes

At Beko, we believe in healthy living so this Ramadan we have curated a selection of healthy, colourful recipes.

Small appliances by Beko

Easy tips to stay healthy during Ramadan

Less salt more spices

When preparing the meal, it is recommended to limit the use of salt. Use various herbs to enhance the flavour of your dishes....and remove the salt shaker from your table this Ramadan! 2

Reach for the rainbow

This Ramadan try to include as many plant-based colors in your meals as possible. Remember, color in fruits and veggies is king, and the greater variety the better. 3

Colors of

  • joy
  • health
  • togetherness
  • excitement
  • joy

Add healthy colors to your table this Ramadan

That’s a state of mind

  1. World Health Organization. (2020). Healthy Diet. Retrieved from
  2. World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. (2021). Stay Healthy During Ramadan. Retrieved from
  3. Harvard Health Publishing. (2019). Phytonutrients: Paint your plate with the colors of the rainbow. Harvard Health Blog.