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1 min read

My washing machine’s drum spins slower in certain cycles. Is this normal? 

My washing machine’s drum spins slower in certain cycles. Is this normal?
My washing machine’s drum spins slower in certain cycles. Is this normal?



Washing machines spin the drum more slowly during the washing cycle and faster while draining. This is perfectly normal as the slower spin speed will ensure the load gets mixed and cleaned properly. You’ll see the drum spinning faster when your washer is removing the water from the load.


If you think the drum is spinning slower than it should, please see if one of the following will solve the problem.




Check the selected programme’s spin speed


Your appliance may also use different spin speeds for different programmes. For instance, programmes for delicate clothes (such as woollens) use lower spin speeds.


For more information about washing machine programmes, consult your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.




Make sure the load is evenly distributed


Your washing machine can also automatically alter the spin speed if the load inside the drum is unevenly distributed. In this case, absorbent items such as rugs and blankets are generally the cause. To avoid unbalanced loads, wash bulky items like blankets with at least one other heavy item like a big towel or another blanket.





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