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Do I have to use dishwasher salt?

Rinse aid and dishwasher salt are agents which ensure you get the best washing and drying performance from your dishwasher. Dishwasher salt is sold in granular form and helps your dishwasher’s internal softener unit reduce the hardness of the tap water.


Follow the instructions in your user manual to measure your tap water’s hardness level. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.  


If your water supply is soft (<5dH), don’t use salt as it may scratch or corrode glassware. If the water supply is harder, use of dishwasher salt is recommended.

When the salt light on your dishwasher comes on, it’s time to refill. The salt reservoir is located on the inside of your appliance, below and to the left of the bottom dish rack. To access it, pull the bottom rack out and remove the protective cap of the salt reservoir. Pour in the salt until it reaches the top of the reservoir, then close the cap.


Dishwasher salt reservoirs contain water, and this water may overflow when you fill the reservoir with salt. Salt may also spill inside the appliance while refilling the salt reservoir. Salt inside the dishwasher tub may scratch glassware. To minimize salt spills, use the funnel provided with your Beko dishwasher when pouring salt into the reservoir, and be sure to wipe away any overflowing water or salt granules. Close the reservoir lid tightly after refilling it. Run a prewash programme or the shortest programme to wash away any salt that may have been spilled inside the appliance. Salt granules under the lid will dissolve during prewash and may cause the lid to loosen. Check the lid at the end of the programme and close it firmly.


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