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1 min read

What do I do before using my iron for the first time?

What do I do before using my iron for the first time?
What do I do before using my iron for the first time?



Before using iron for the first time, install the anti-scale cartridge and clean the water tank and the steam holes. It is normal to smell a mild odour or see some white residue coming from the soleplate holes during this process. 




Install the anti-scale cartridge


Remove the anti-scale cartridge from its package. Soak it in water for about one minute to enhance its performance. Keep the appliance unplugged during installation. Push the cartridge into the slot.


For more information on installing the anti-scale cartridge, please consult your user manual. If you’re having trouble finding your manual, download it here using your product’s model number.  




Clean the water tank and the steam holes


Fill the tank with tap water up to the MAX level and turn the iron on. Run the steam function until you’ve used up all the water. Use the shock steam button frequently so the water evaporates faster. This will get rid of any residue left from the manufacturing process. Do this twice and your appliance will be ready to use.



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