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Navigating Beko’s Warranty Registration: A Step-by-Step Guide To Ensuring Your Peace Of Mind
Navigating Beko’s Warranty Registration: A Step-by-Step Guide To Ensuring Your Peace Of Mind

2m read

Navigating Beko’s Warranty Registration: A Step-by-Step Guide To Ensuring Your Peace Of Mind

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18 December_10 Year warranty_1080x1080

Navigating Beko’s Warranty Registration: A Step-by-Step Guide To Ensuring Your Peace Of Mind


If you're a proud owner of a Beko appliance, then you'll be glad to learn that we offer a comprehensive 10-Year Warranty to help ensure that you get the very best out of your product for an extended period.


Covering a range of our appliances, this warranty aims to provide customers with the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that they will be covered should they require any service or maintenance on their products.


That's why it’s important not to miss out and to register your Beko appliances before 31 December by following these four easy steps:


1. Ensure that your product is eligible


Before you dive into the warranty registration process, the first thing you need to do is to ensure your appliance is eligible. The list of eligible products includes medium to large appliances such as washing machines, fridges, and ovens. 

To verify which products are covered under the warranty, you can view the complete list on the Beko website.



2. Registration Process

Once you've confirmed that your product qualifies, you can begin the registration process by filling in the registration form. Here you are required to provide your details (name, surname, contact information, and address), the product model and serial number, and upload a proof of purchase - which can either be an image of the receipt or an invoice.




3. Verification

Once submitted, the information provided will be verified to ensure that only that everything is in order.


4. Confirmation

Once we've successfully verified your application, a confirmation email will be sent, and will act as your warranty certificate. So, it's very important to keep this document safe at all times.


P.S Check The Duration Of Your Warranty

The warranty duration will vary depending on the type of appliance, so it's essential to check the specifics for each product. 


So, what are you waiting for? Follow this link, and head to the warranty registration page to ensure your BEKO appliance is covered!