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Pumpkin Spice Cake
Pumpkin Spice Cake

1m read

Pumpkin Spice Cake 
BEKO_recipesHealthyDesserts09_1920x600 2

A must-have for the perfect table that you prepare for your guests is: Pumpkin Spice Cake.

A good table means a table with plenty of dessert varieties. Your guests will have no trouble finding a choice at the tables where there are options suitable for every eating preference.

Its possible for you and your guests to have an unforgettable day when all your wishes are tastefully fulfilled. There must be a vegetarian choice offered for a full guest table.


Healthy Desserts




55 MIN.


● 200 ml Soy Milk

● 400 g gluten free flour

● 50 g melted coconut oil

● One Vanilla Stick

● 10 g baking powder

● 150 g brown sugar

● 40 g pumpkin spice

● ½ cup whipped cream

Step by step


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place a baking sheet on a cake pan.

2. Mix soy milk, flour, baking powder and brown sugar with a whisk.

3. Once a smooth texture is formed, add vanilla, coconut oil, pumpkin spice and

continue beating.

4. When the beating is finished, transfer the mixture to the cake pan that you have

laid on baking paper.

5. It will be enough to bake in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

6. Rest for 10 minutes and serve with whipped cream. Enjoy!