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Spinach Chips with Yoghurt
Spinach Chips with Yoghurt

1m read

Spinach Chips with Yoghurt 

There is such a thing as healthy chips!

A brand new era for chips addicts begins with this recipe; Spinach Chips with Yoghurt. Spinach is one of the most nutritious vegetables with its vitamins and minerals. Yogurt is also rich in calcium and probiotics. The combination of these two may convince you to stop

eating all other snacks and consume them instead. In this recipe, the only oil used is healthy olive oil. And here is the recipe;


Healthy Snacks




25 MIN.


  • 10 g olive oil
  • 150 g spinach
  • 4 g salt
  • 2 g white pepper
  • 100 g yoghurt
  • 3 g pomegranate molasses

Step by Step:


1. Preheat oven to 130°C.

2. Clean the spinach and take the leaves.

3. Mix the spinach leaves with olive oil, salt and white pepper. Place in a baking sheet

to one layer.

4. Roast them in 130°C for 10-15 minutes.

5. Serve with yoghurt. Drizzle pomegranate molasses on top. Enjoy!