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Tahini Cookies
Tahini Cookies

1m read

Tahini Cookies 

We'd like to introduce you to the most delicious vegetarian option:

“Tahini Cookies.”

Whether you are vegetarian or not, this recipe, in which tahini is the star, will win your heart and become the centerpiece of your table whenever you want to host vegetarian guests.


Healthy Desserts




55 MIN.


  • 200 ml tahini
  • 250 gr almond flour
  • 30 ml pure maple syrup
  • Pomegranate seed
  • Spices (1 tsp) cinnamon, cardamom powder and ginger powder
  • ½ tsp almond extract

Step by step


1. Mix almond flour and spices in a bowl.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the tahini, maple syrup and almond extract.

3. Add the flour and spice mixture to the tahini mixture and start mixing.

4. After the cookie dough is formed, divide the dough into cookie sizes and place

them on the tray.

5. Add pomegranate seeds on top and bake at 175 degrees until golden brown.