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How to Fix the Wedges on Your Refrigerator?
How to Fix the Wedges on Your Refrigerator?

1m read

How to Fix the Wedges on Your Refrigerator
how to cooling

How to Fix the Wedges on Your Refrigerator

Proper installation of the wedges in your refrigerator is essential to ensure adequate air

circulation and efficient performance. These wedges help maintain the correct spacing

between the refrigerator and the rear wall, allowing the appliance to operate optimally.

Follow this simple guide based on Beko’s video instructions on how to fix the wedges in

your refrigerator.

Step 1: Understand the Purpose of the Wedges

The plastic wedges are designed to create enough space for air circulation between the

fridge and the rear wall. This air circulation is vital for preventing overheating and ensuring

the refrigerator works efficiently.

Step 2: Remove the Screws from the Metal Plate

At the back and bottom of your refrigerator, you’ll find a metal plate. Begin by removing the

screws on the metal plate. These screws will be used later to secure the wedges.

Step 3: Attach the Wedges

Place the wedges where they are meant to be fixed, ensuring they are aligned correctly with

the designated spots on the metal plate.

Step 4: Secure the Wedges

Using the same screws you removed earlier, fix the wedges securely onto the metal plate.

Make sure they are tightened properly to avoid any looseness that could affect the

refrigerator’s performance.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your refrigerator is set up correctly for

optimal performance.