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How to Properly Store Food in Your Beko Freezer?
How to Properly Store Food in Your Beko Freezer?

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How to Store Food in Your Beko Freezer
how to cooling

How to Store Food in Your Beko Freezer

Storing food in the freezer can help preserve its freshness and extend its shelf life. Follow

these simple tips to ensure your freezer is organized and functions efficiently.

Step 1: Avoid Blocking Sensors and Cooling Fans

Make sure not to place food in front of the sensors, air channels, or cooling fans. This can

disrupt airflow and lead to cooling issues in your freezer.

Step 2: Don’t Overfill the Freezer

Avoid overfilling your freezer compartments. Overfilling can interfere with temperature

sensing, air circulation, and the cooling process. It can also prevent the door from closing


Step 3: Use Containers to Prevent Odor Mixing

To prevent different odors from mixing, always store food in airtight containers or use

properly sealed packaging. This helps maintain the freshness of your food and prevents

contamination of flavors.

Step 4: Separate Warm and Frozen Foods

Avoid placing warm food next to frozen food. Warm items can cause partial thawing,

affecting the quality and safety of the frozen food.

Step 5: Check Expiry Dates

Regularly check the expiry dates of items stored in your freezer. This will help you prevent

rotting, bad odors, and food waste.

Step 6: Avoid Large Food Quantities at Once

Do not load your freezer with large amounts of food at one time. Adding too much at once

can dramatically affect the internal temperature, causing the freezer to work harder to cool

everything down.

Step 7: Store Different Foods Separately

To avoid odor transfer, especially for strong-smelling foods like fish or chicken, store

different types of food separately in dedicated containers.

By following these tips, you’ll keep your freezer organized, maintain food quality, and

ensure your Beko appliance runs efficiently.