Fridge Too Cold? Here's What to Do Step-by-Step
A fridge that's too cold can result in frozen food, which is not ideal when you're just trying to
keep things fresh. If you've noticed your fridge setting is too cold, don't worry! Beko makes
it easy to adjust. Here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to solve this common issue.
Step 1: Locate the Temperature Control Panel
The first thing you'll need to do is find the control panel on the front of your Beko fridge. This
panel is where you can adjust the temperature settings. It’s usually found on the exterior of
the fridge, and it's very intuitive to use.
Step 2: Check the Current Temperature
Once you have the control panel in view, check the current temperature. Beko fridges often
display both the fridge and freezer temperatures.
Step 3: Increase the Temperature
To make the fridge warmer, increase the temperature to a higher number. Use the panel to
adjust the temperature to a more appropriate one.
Step 4: Wait for the Adjustment
After changing the temperature, allow some time for your fridge to adjust. It may take a few
hours for the interior to fully acclimate to the new setting. In the meantime, keep the door
closed to help the fridge maintain its temperature.
Step 5: Monitor the Temperature
After a few hours, check the temperature again to ensure it has stabilized. If the fridge is
now operating at a more suitable temperature, your issue is resolved. However, if it still
feels too cold, consider rechecking the settings or consulting your user manual.
Following these steps should help you resolve your issue with a fridge that's too cold.
Remember, keeping your fridge at the optimal temperature not only keeps your food fresh
but also helps reduce energy consumption. With Beko’s easy-to-use interface, managing
your fridge settings has never been simpler!