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The New Energy Labelling 
for a Healthier Planet




European Union energy regulations for home appliances are getting an update.


As of 1 March 2021, all energy levels will be listed from A to G rather than A+, A++, and A+++.
What this means is that the industry will be more focused than ever on the environmental-friendliness and energy-efficiency of home appliances.


At Beko, we place a healthy lifestyle and a healthy planet at the forefront of everything we do.
The healthier life you lead, the healthier our world becomes.
We’re glad that there’s finally more of a focus on getting information to consumers and on promoting innovative and environmentally friendly brands.


Because healthy living means healthy people and a healthy planet! 




As a result of changes in energy regulations, new energy labels have been updated to better align with consumer behaviour and apply to 3 groups of household appliances: 

  • Washing machines and washer dryers

  • Dishwashers

  • Fridge freezers, freezers, minibars, and wine storage appliances




The New Energy Labels are now 
much easier to understand at a glance



Previous energy ratings went from D to A+++. Although A+ rating was the minimum level that could be sold in this scale, by an uninformed consumer it could easily be perceived as a much more efficient product. Now, ratings are based on a simple, easy-to-understand system from A to G where A is the best and G is the lowest rating. A product previously labelled A+++ in energy efficiency will, for example, become B-rated after the change.


Additionally, noise levels on appliances will be rated on a scale from A to D, which is completely new. Previously, only noise levels in dB(A) of a product was listed. Having a clear rating, in addition to the decibel information makes noise levels much more understandable and comparable for everyone.

Labels will also feature a QR code for consumers to scan with their mobile devices to get additional and official (non-commercial) information regarding their products. 

The New Energy Labels reflect 
Beko’s commitment to being 

The new regulations cover not only energy efficiency but also energy consumption in a way that consumers can relate to more easily. With the change, A and B ratings are incredibly difficult to achieve for the manufacturers.


This is done explicitly to encourage leading brands to invest in innovation and energy-efficient products. This means that environmental-friendly and energy-efficient products will continue to be developed with lower levels of energy consumption.

Beko’s attention to healthy living and a healthy planet has led us to commit resources
towards the goal of increasing energy efficiency of our appliances and putting consumer needs at the core of these goals.
We can live truly healthy only on a healthy planet – and these changes are
the next step on our journey to enable everyone to live as healthily as possible. 
What will all this mean for
specific appliance categories?

Energy regulations and labels are handled differently for different appliance categories.

Energy ratings and other valuable information on energy labels are determined with respect to the operation principles of different categories.


What that means is, not every piece of information on a washing machine's energy label, for example, matches that of a fridge freezer.

Head on to the links below each appliance to learn more about how the changes in regulation will affect each category. 




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