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Freezer Bottom

Keep food fresh for longer with our energy-efficient
and feature-packed fridge freezers.
results (2)


445 L Harvest Fresh Fridge Freezer (Freezer Bottom)

445 L Harvest Fresh Fridge Freezer (Freezer Bottom) BBMB445PDX
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • Fruit & veg fresh for up to 30 days
  • High efficiency, high durability, low noise


445 L Harvest Fresh Fridge Freezer (Freezer Bottom)

445 L Harvest Fresh Fridge Freezer (Freezer Bottom) BBMB445PX
  • HarvestFresh: Inspired by nature, powered by light
  • Fruit & veg fresh for up to 30 days
  • High efficiency, high durability, low noise
results (2)
