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Vacuum Cleaners

results (4)

VRT 94129 VI

Powerclean Pro 2-in-1 Rechargeable Stick Vacuum Cleaner (210W Suction)

Powerclean Pro 2-in-1 Rechargeable Stick Vacuum Cleaner (210W Suction) VRT 94129 VI
  • 210W Suction Power
  • Actiflex: flexible tube for easy reach
  • Smart LCD Display

VRT 94929 VI

PowerClean 2-in-1 Rechargeable Stick Vacuum Cleaner (165W Suction)

PowerClean 2-in-1 Rechargeable Stick Vacuum Cleaner (165W Suction) VRT 94929 VI
  • 165W Suction Power
  • Actiflex: flexible tube for easy reach
  • Up to 80 Mins Operating Time with extra battery

VRT 82821 BV

PractiClean 2-in-1 Rechargeable Stick Vacuum Cleaner (45W Suction)

PractiClean 2-in-1 Rechargeable Stick Vacuum Cleaner (45W Suction) VRT 82821 BV
  • Continuous Trigger Operation
  • Lightweight & Versatile - 2 in 1
  • LED Headlights

VCO 6325 FD

Bagless Canister Vacuum Cleaner (1800 W)

Bagless Canister Vacuum Cleaner (1800 W) VCO 6325 FD
  • Powerful cyclonic suction power
  • HEPA 13 Filter with 99.97% Dust Retention
results (4)

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Everyone deserves peace of mind when buying a new product. That’s why Beko has your back with a manufacturer’s warranty on all our products.